A Summer of Peace between Cat and Dog

Hi Ghazal, my Dear,

Did you had a nice day today? It was pretty hot, wasn”t it. Have you done something nice ? Could you enjoy the summer day ?
Did you recognise that the smell of the lime-trees (the ones we saw around the lake) is particular strong and long lasting this year ? I think this summer is special at all. I cant remember seeing the stars so clear and sparkling as this summer, I cant remember feeling the water of the lakes so smooth and tender and I never heard so much nice music as this summer. And of course I never before had the privileg to meet an angel being so inspiring and funny and mysterious as you are. In this respekt, we are quite different. I probably talk much to much (at least to you), and there is probably not much left that you might think is worth to hear. (Except for a few things, that I”m just not encouraged enough to say). You, in contrast, are like a book with seven hidden keys and you expect one to battle for some small details of this book (I remember when you wrote that you don”t like to read, that you find it boring. I hardly know anybody else being so open, so stringent and so self-confident in its judgement. But it is difficult to get such clear words from you a lot (o.k.,as an exception, your antipathy for german police-men was quite clear).

Today I saw something funny, when we were invited to a friends birthday (not really a party, rather a breakfast in a park about 100 km away). And there, a black-and-white cat (I think it was a male) appeared on the scene, which of course made our dog (a she) pretty nervous, because cats and dogs instinctively hate each other.
Our dog is usually a bit courious and wants to explore other creatures, so she got closer to the cat to check how he smells and if one can play with him. And as expected, the cat suddenly slapped her with the claws in his face. Ivo was crying a bit, but soon forget this attack. Meanwhile the cat was laying in the sun with his eyes closed. I think he was satisfied because he made clear that he can defend himself very well even if he was 3 times smaller. Now he allowed our dog to come closer, and at the end both were eating absolute peaceful food from the same pot. I”m sure, with some more time the two would have become un-separable. Would be amazing, if mankind would such easy settle its conflicts and fights.

Ghazal, you know what: You were wondering if there is a persian discotheque in Munich, and just by chance I found an advert for one going on today:


It is a pitty its already too late now. But maybe there will be another one later this month or in August.

I have to apologize once again for this long mail. You are so much more efficient in saying the essentials in a few words. I»m very bad in this, perhaps it would sound blunt or naive. If I try, I would just say that I miss you a lot.

Wish you a relaxing night and funny dreams.

Take Care,


Nocturnal thoughts

Hi Ghazal my Dear,

It is always difficult for me to drop you at the end of the day in front of the guesthouse and drive away, but I think it is better for you to recover. I already exploited so much of your emotions during the evening. I hope, that it was not just me who enjoyed it (very egoistically, I have to admit), but that you also liked the few hours walking around and chatting.

I hope you sleep well, my dear



Hi Michael,

Thank you for showing me Munich. It was really nice. I like munich actually, but not the munich-police. thank you also for the stereo. havnt opened it yet. will open it tomorrow. take care and have a good night!



Thank you, Ghazal, for showing me the world with new eyes. It is strange, I”m always talking to much when we are together, as if I would know already everything. But in fact, later on I got the feeling that it was actually me who learnt much more from you.

If we both benefit from the time together, what can be bad about it ?

Sleep well , my dear


Silent Message

Hi Ghazal,

Why are you so silent ? Are you such busy ? Or have I done something wrong ?

Send a short mail, please, so I know you are alright. Life is too short to be angry for more than 5 minutes, you know.

Have a nice evening, a relaxing night and a bright morning.
Yours Michael


Hi Michael,

No im not angry. i say that too, u should be happy cause life is too short.

so everything is fine with me, im just relaxing at home. will try and burn some music and then sleep.

the movie seems really good and sad. know my mum would want to see it, but u said its going only this week right? maybe i ask omid, maybe he wants to see it as well.

have a good night and see you tomorrow.


My dear Ghazal,

Sorry for answering too late, you are probably already asleep (it is half one in the morning). Just want to tell you how much I was relieved reading your message. I got so much used to read a few words from you in the evening, that I have problems finding peace if you don”t write.

It”s a nice idea to ask Omid for coming with us to the movies. He is a very educated and open-minded personality, and always thinks much deeper
than the rest of the mankind. I like him a lot, he very much reminds me of student-mates I met when I was at the university. They were from Jordan or from Africa. They were the most intelligent of all of us, they knew the real hard parts of physics (like quantum-mechanics and quantum-chromo-dynamics) from dreams. But on the same time, they had the broadest horizon of other interests, philosophy, psychology, arts, history, politics. It was always a pleasure to spend hours with them, and it never became boring. It always was sport, like exercises for our minds. What was particular amazing, that we had very often completely different views (for instance about the role of Israel, or what we thought should be the relation to girls), but we remained very respectful to each other, we even sort of loved each other (at least this is how I recall it). Omid is this sort of person, whom one always can trust 100%. For instance, if I once would have to leave a beloved girl with somebody to take care of her (((((maybe while I have to go to a conference for a week or into jail again ;-) ha ha ha, don”t worry, Ghazal, nobody will accuse you that your MSc thesis was supervised by a prisoner)))), I think I would ask Omid to look after her.

Sorry, my dear, I hope the incoming mail does not wake you up now that it is already 1 a.m.

Otherways, I hope you have a nice morning and can look forward onto a bright, nice day.


Geschützt: Aliases for a lover

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PhD project in Munich

Ghazal my dear,

I hope you have a pleasant evening and that you are not only standing in the kitchen. Be careful, if the swedish authorities see this, you will be punished for not following the official policy of womans emancipation. I keep my hope, that the people are more free in their decisions and understand, that doing something in the kitchen can be very pleasant as well. I like it, it has some relation to science and to lab-work, don”t you think so ?
Anyhow, I would also be very happy to know that you enjoy these few days and nights of warm and bright summer. May and June was so awkful, always grey and cold and wet, that even myself (who has an atypical high level of serotonin, dopamin and melatonin) started to get signs of depression. However, there was always the hope to see you the next day, which was and still is the best remedy against sad emotions.
You are completely different, I know this, you have this potential deep inside of you to stop any influence from the outside and concentrate on thoughts and memories and dreams (you call them day-dreams, for me they are end-of-the-day dreams). Maybe you can switch your mind to the angels universe, I would not be surprised.
I think when I saw you the first time sitting in the front raw in the seminar room, you were in exactly this state. It was winter time, cold, wet, streets covered with mud, snow-flakes penetrating the space between neck and coat, shoes did not dry anymore and looked like on a 1st world war battle field. But there you were sitting and filling the seminar room with the aura of an oriental garden. Ghazal, who you think could resist this picture ? Whom you want to blame for immediately feeling the desire to follow you in this other world ?

Now at least the climate changed for the better. After work I always pass along a lake to go swimming. Later I spend the night in the garden and read or play some guitar. The only audience usually is our dog. The rest of the family sits inside and insists they don”t hear. In summer time, southern Germany can be a pleasant place. And winter time is also fine, with a lot of snow and clear sky. What is usually less pleasant are the few month in between.
Ghazal, maybe you consider doing your PhD in Germany. I think the competition is less strong than in Sweden. Talk to Iria or Olena, they will tell you that in Munich it is easy to live and have fun without knowing a lot of german. There are so many high-class institutes in Munich, the two Universities and the Max-Planck-Institutes and Helmholtz also has some very strong groups. And Sweden and Germany are virtually neighbours, only the Baltic Sea between them.

Oh, something else I have to ask you: I bought today this pink Panasonic MP3-player station (the one we looked at last Friday in the Electronic Super-Market).
It was by the way a unique product, something like a prototype. Therefore, I got it without a proper box. Only at home I found out that it is completely incompatible with my Hewlett-Packard Mp3-player. I therefore will give it to you tomorrow. And you keep it (at least till the end of your project), we already know it works perfectly with your IPod.

Sorry, that I wrote once again such an endless mail. And you might consider it complete nonsense.
Take Care


hi michael,
no i dont stand in the kitchen, i dont like to cook.

you should maybe go inside and play for your family then:) but its nice to play for the dog as well i guess.
no i would want to go back to sweden. its better. i will be with my family. im not saying munich is a bad place. but home is always the best place.

you bought exactly the one we saw? why, i dont think your son likes it. but you should keep it. i use my computer and listen to music through it. but it was kind of you.

have a good night!! :)

Dear Ghazal,

You are right. I should more often ask you for your opinion before doing something. The MP3 players design does not suit our sons taste: He only accepts black stuff. He is at an age when boys are very concerned to appeare maskuline, and the slightest risk that somebody might think he loves girls stuff makes him mad (the player is pink, as you remember).

Take Care

Yours Michael

PS: I feel very sorry about the watch. You might think I broke my promise that it will work at the end. Now it appears, it does not. Instead, I only wrote you endless theories about time shifts and angels universe.
If you agree, I”ll open it once again.

Sleep well

Geschützt: Is this Love or just Confusion (J.Hendrix)

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Evening Thunderstorm

Hi Ghazal, my dear,

I have absolute no theory on how an angel reacts during a thunderstorm. I can already see from here that lightnings struck in the north and west of Munich. Perhaps in Unterschleissheim it already gots very dramatic and noisy.

I hope you are alright. If you cannot sleep, write me a mail.

Take care, don”t be afraid, it is just a bit of electric over-charge. We both know, there is no angry god that tries to punish us. We are innocent.

Take Care,



hi michael,

i was just searching a bit on the internet and found something maybe interesting. u know im a bit confused what i want to do about my phd. i mean i like the project in sweden and love to go there. but im thinking a lot and want to know my other options. i always liked to work with breast cancer and then i saw this : “http://www.hugues-de-the-lab.net/En/S-Jauliac-homepage.html” and its in paris which is a plus. thought maybe u know about this place. u think i should contact him?

im not saying i dont want to do the phd in sweden. i just want to see all my options. and then choose the best one.
and if you know something else in paris i would like to know more.
i dont hear any thunderstorm yet. and im not scared usually when im inside:)

take care. and good night.

Hi Ghazal,

You are obviously one of the non-anxious angels – at least when it comes to thunder and lightning, but not if spiders, fishes and other creatures crosses your way.
Isn”t it strange, that I, who studied physics, is afraid of lightnings and of water, but that I don”t fear any wild creature, whereas you as a biologist get almost panik if a spider comes closer than 10 meters to you or a fish is swimmig in a lake, where you considered taking a bath ? But with absolut confidence to declare “not scared by the lightning and thunder”. Logically, it should be the other way around, shouldn”t it. It would be good to combine the two areas where we are strong and fearless.

The group in Paris seems to do great science. It is for sure more innovative than radiation biology. I just could not find out whether the institute belongs to the University or to CNRS ? Do you know this ? This might determine whether they have a PhD program.

It would be nice if you could go there. I would be very happy to see you starting an exciting PhD project. But I will miss you a lot, of course, there is nothing and nobody that could fill the gap if you leave.

Sleep well and see you tomorrow

Yours Michael

What a trench-coat and a wrist-watch have in common

Ghazal, my dear, I”m sure you understoud right away why I did not want you to return your slowly running wrist-watch back to the shop for repair or replacement. Instead, I suggested doing the job myself, but not to safe some money.
Remember, you once told me that your mom stitched a rip in your trech-coat, what really struck me all of a heap. Now I very well understand why your mom wanted to do the job all by herself, Ghazal. I”m sure she did not want to hand-stitch your coat for any economic reason neither, she probably would be happy to buy a new trench-coat for you every year, if you want. What I assume drove her to take a needle and a thread and stitch your torned trench-coat herself was simply her love. She misses you, because you are far away, and by stitching your trench-coat she can materialize a bit of her love onto this piece of cloth that you might wear while beeing far from her. In our modern times, when emotions are mainly transmitted in an virtual manner and love, hate, sadness or anger are expressed virtually by SMS, telephon-calls, e-mail or twitter-tweets , I would say it is a very unique way how your mom tried to show her love to you. This way, she turned your trench-coat from an ordinary mass-produced good into something very unique and personal. The same way as an artist might give your house a unique, personal touch, your mother gave the coat a bit of her soul. Therefore, you have to cherish this coat from now on, don”t loos it somewhere, don”t throw it away, don”t give it to the poor when it gets old. Keep it with you, since it is loaded with your moms love and therefore it became very precious now. Unfortunately, your moms desire to building an imaginary link to her daughter by repairing her trench-coat, is not very common nowadays anymore. People rather prefer to throw stuff away and replace it with newly bought unpersonal goods. What your mom did shows this very rare example of mental aristocracy. And this, thanks god, has nothing to do with material wealth or with education, it has only to do with a deep understanding of the uniqueness of our life and our love.


hi michael,

im not yet sure of what i should present for my pecha kucha thing. but maybe i will present zartosht. but i can ask my family a lot so i dont need a book, but thank you for asking the man.

im glad that my watch works now!! thank you! thats really good news. its strange that the guy in the shop said that it will be a hard work to open the watch, that he had to send it to DKNY company to let them fix it. as u said, he only wanted the money probably.

yes my grandmum fixed my coat, and i really appreciate it. she always offers these things. she is great.

take care!


Time Shift and Crystals

Ghazal, my dear,
what can I say ? Your watch indeed runs pretty slow. I opened it yesterday night to clean it (but of course it was extremely clean from the inside). Between midnight and now, 8 a.m., it lost again about 3 minutes.
When you told me your observation that it regularily loses about 15 minutes per day, I thought this indicates once again that you came here from another universe. Maybe you know the TV-serie “X-Files” with Agent Scully and Agent Moulder, who always find simple evidence that people like you and me come from outer space. I think both of them would like the idea that somebody with the potential to slow down a watch (if it is in close enough contact with its own pulse, like in your case) must come from another world (where, as we all know, time is running slower, the spiderman falls into love with a swan and people are born old to get younger every day).
But coming back to your watch, which I fully understand you want to have running with earth-compatible speed. Sure enough, you are also going to spend some more time here on earth, with no flight booked yet that will bring you back to your angels universe. I heard of cases, when Angels came here just for a short visit, and suddenly started to like the wild life in our world and decided to stay for longer.
Therefore, I will do my best today to set up your watch to +/- zero. I”ll put in a new battery, later we see. In case it still runs slow, I”m afraid nobody can help you and you would probably have to return it to the shop (in this other solar-system) and ask for replacement through warranty (you have not shown to me the warranty certificate: I guess it was issued from a shop not known here on earth !!! Something like “The Unified Reverse Time Company at Zartha”).

But first, let me try to adjust it. We here on earth are good scientists and talented engineers, although we can not compete with you angels in terms of beauty and wisdom. Maybe I find a way to bring your clock-speed in synchronity with ours.

Have a nice and inspiring day, my dear.

Yours Michael


hi michael,

im fine, yesterday was a nice sunny day as today.

thank you for taking care of the watch. i think i should bring it to the shop in sweden. maybe they can fix it. or i just have to return it. haha no im just a normal girl living in the right time. just something wrong with the watch. :) you dont have to change batteries. i just have it until i go back to sweden or something. but really thank you for trying to fix it.

hope it was not too hard to take back the other bike to helmholtz. i would think its hard.

i will take a look at the trailer later.

take care!!:D



Ghazal, my dear,

Of course every angel tries to insist he (or she) does not come from another star, but simply from a country a bit further north. O.k., I acknowledge that you learned some swedish to convince me of this. But maybe it was just enough to guide me through IKEA, explaining to me that “Ordin” means “order” and “Äpple” means “apple”. I think I could learn this in a couple of days too. And what still makes me suspicious a lot are your blue eyes in combination with your dark hair. This, for sure is neither oriental nor scandinavian: this is celestial.

Now the latest news regarding your watch: I put in a fresh battery (guaranteed made here on earth), and have to say it seems to be 100% compatible with your extra-terrestrial DKNY watch. It runs nice and smoothly, and after 2 hours still without a second delay. I will leave it in for a couple of hours more, just to make sure it is stable. I just suspect, that your watch with its strong extraterrestrial energy has already influenced my watch at home, also causing this one to run slower now. Finally, both our watches now might run synchroneous, but are perhaps lagging behind normal earth clock-speed.
What would support this notions is the fact, that always when we have been together somewhere, like recently at IKEA or at the lake, in the coffe or just sitting with you in the car and driving the wrong way, I got the strange feeling that we were suddenly drifting into another time-zone, where everything is happening slower, but more intense. I would not say that it was an unpleasant feeling, it was just unusual. I think I could get used to it.

There is a second possibility to explain why the time around you runs 15 min slower per day. And this in fact has a scientific base, it is not a joke any more:

Some years ago US scientists wanted to understand how much is our human 24-hours diurnal rhythm (that controls when we sleep, dream, wake up, eat, work, digest etc) determined by the day-night-cycle of the earth. To study this, they recruited about 50 volunteers, who agreed to live for a month in a building that was completely isolated from any sun-light. The volunteers could only use electric light, which they switched on and off when they wanted. So finally, after some weeks in this isolated environment, the entire group had adopted its own rhythm of inactivity (sleeping) and activity (beeing awake, working, playing etc.). What was strange: their own physiological rhythm was exactly 11 min slower than 24 hours. Therefore, when the experiment was finsihed after 7 weeks, the people inside the building were almost exactly 12 hours laggig behind the day-night-cycle outside the building. This means, that we still have our own biological clock build in, that runs per day 11 min slower than 24 hours. It is only the astronomic day- and night-changes, that synchronizes us to an exact 24hours rhythm. Without seeing the sun coming and going every 24 hours, we would all live a slightly longer day. The most likely explanation for this slower running biological clock inside our body was, that it developed already in primates about 1 million years ago. And 1 million years ago, the earth was indeed rotating approximately 11 min slower per day (because the gravitational force between earth and moon continiously fasten it up).

If we use this knowledge, and remember that your watch runs 15 min per day slower, we might conclude that you came here from the past, from approximately 1 273.645 years before.
In case you think this is all very academic, have a look at these two papers that shows how DNA-repair and radiosensitivity changes with círcadian rhythm or how disturbances of the later can even increase cancer-risk.
Sorry, my dear, if I start to confuse you. It is not really my intention to cause you any headache.

I met today on the flee-market a man fro Persia, who used to sell books. I wanted to get something about Zartoscht, in case you decide to do the Pecha-Kucha about this. The man said he has a few in persian, but they are not for sale, you could only try to borrow from him. He also has german ones, but than I would have to try to translate a bid. I think it would be an interesting subject for a short talk. And you could combine it with some contemporary musicians who had or have zoroastrian roots (Freddy Mercury of Queen and former general conductor of the Munich Symphony Orchestra, Zubin Mehta).
I think due to my own interest in this philosophy, I might help you to collect some material.
But you have to made up your own mind.

At the end, Ghazal, here comes something for you just to relax:
It is a tour through the Swarovski Cristal exhibition and performance and I am absolutely sure that you will like it (it is calm, probably also runs on a slower speed and therefor more suits your rhythm of life).

Take care, don”t condemn me, relax.



Ghazal, my dear,

Hope you had a nice day. I wish you some interesting dreams. You might dream of your wrist watch. It runs since 2 p.m. without any delay. But maybe now you are sad hearing this? Maybe this 15 min delay per day was one of the last links that connected you to your former angels universe, Ghazal.

I willl keep the old battery (the one that makes the watch running slower). If you feel to much nostalgia, I can put it back into the watch for a day or so.

Yours Michael

For your eyes only

Ghazal my dear, do you know this song ? It is by Sheena Easton and was the title song for the 1981 James Bond Movie.

It is a great melody, and it has very strong lyrics, and I can”t get it out of my mind any more when I recall the afternoon we have been together.
I don”t know why and how, but I feel that I more and more tell you
details from my life, that I usually keep for myself. I don”t tell them
to other people, I” afraid they might missunderstand most of them. Telling them to you, it is different, I can see in your eyes that you listen to them as if they are taken from a phantasy book. I don”t want to frighten you with all these silly things I did in the past, with the political fight and the secret service and right-wing idiots. It was all real, I was not lying a single world. But I told you that I never felt as a hero: I”m not. And I don”t want to impress you with this, I think I cannot impress you anyway. Maybe all I want is to show you that life can go through ups and downs and sometimes it might look really dramatic but than suddenly a miracle happens (like this year, when I suddenly saw you there, sitting in the first row of the seminar room, and I had this strange idea that I knew you already from 20 years ago). You are probably right, that this is all in my phantasy, but how much poorer would be our personal life and the whole world without this little bit of phantasy. And don”t you forget, science would be dead without phantasy.

Take care, be strong, trust yourself
