Monthly Archives: Februar 2014

Blue Knockouts rock Seeon

Our first concert took place in a remote place called Seeon. I guess it is the German spelling for Zion. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post

How could we ever understand each other ?

Platon wrote that a man and woman who really love each other are like two halfs of an apple, which were cut apart but only together form an ideal entirety again. What a nice, typical Platonian view of an ideal world, and clearly related to his obsession with ideal forms. At least in our knowledge about relationships we made some… (more…)

Consistency is hard business

Leonard, our son, is in his full-blown puberty, and this last since about two years. Good if one knows right from the beginning that all his renitence, this hard-core opposition against everything what the parents do or say, is an essential part of forming his individual personality. Its also good to know that with other adults, friends of us, or… (more…)

From Africa with Love

Half a year ago I sold my old Toyota Corolla, which I drove for about 8 years, including long holiday trips to the Cote de Azur, Venize and the Dalmatian coast. But I also experienced a couple of accidents, one at night on the Autobahn when I fall asleep at 95 miles/hour and only woke up by the shouting of… (more…)

A Storm of Steel turns into a Rainfall of Blood and Tears

Read today the letters by Ernst Juenger, which he send home from the battles-fields of World War I. I can not describe the degree of my disgust, while reading all these pseudo-heroic and wanna-be cool descriptions from Juengers front-line years. It has little to do with a new evaluation of the history of the WW1, now 100 years after it… (more…)