Monthly Archives: September 2011

If our earth is going to disappear, I hope it happens as slowly as in the movie MELANCHOLIA

Hi Michael, not sure if I shall recommend you to see that new movie by Lars v. Trier “MELANCHOLIA”. It started in Sweden already in May, but I did not had time before to go. It has some very beautiful scenes, in particular at the very beginning. It shows some moments in the life of the main character (Justine, played… (more…)

Chocolate and the last Woody Allan movie

Hello Michael, Im glad you have your vacation and that the weather and everything is nice. enjoy these days. Nice that my gels worked out!! Thank you but you dont have to send me chocolate. i already eat too much here I had my vacation (2 weeks), my family came for a visit from US. So it was nice. Enjoy… (more…)