Category Archives: Bizarre Love

Location, location, … lovely location

Location, location, location: that’s what every real estate agent will tell you determines the value of a property. I had to think about this, when we recently saw that our funny, belove dog Ivo (who despite the male-sounding name is a 12 years old lady) had her first sexual intercurse and, so saint ovary will, should soon surprise us with… (more…)

That’s what we are needed for

On its concert tour through Israel a German chanson singer introduced one of his songs (about the mutual dependence of men and woman) as following: “A woman needs a man mainly for two things: First, to open the champaign bottles, and second, to explaine things.” One of his fellow musicians, a violinist girl replied after a few seconds “Hold on,… (more…)

Geschützt: A Triumph of the Revolution and a Defeat of Love

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If you can”t love him, shot him !

Ghazal my Dear, Tonight I have something very unusual to tell you. It is so unusual, because it is something commercial, about shopping and beeing happy to have found something very useful. I know you got excited now, don”t you ? You can”t stop reading any more, right ? You wan”t to know what it is, don”t you ? (You… (more…)

Random Walk Model of two lovers

We were both on a random walk in time and space, since I saw you on the arms of your parents 21 years ago. The probability of a second encounter within the life-time of the universe would have been zero, thats for sure, but only if we assume that no attracting force exists between us.. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this… (more…)

Unicorn and the blue-eyed camel

10 min after midnight he could not wait any longer for the long over-due end-of-the-day message from her. He left the house, the family, the dog and the garden behind and drove to her, ignoring most of the red traffic-lights and speed limits. After a 15 min race from the very east to the very north of this town, a… (more…)

Geschützt: Is this Love or just Confusion (J.Hendrix)

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For your eyes only

Ghazal my dear, do you know this song ? It is by Sheena Easton and was the title song for the 1981 James Bond Movie. It is a great melody, and it has very strong lyrics, and I can”t get it out of my mind any more when I recall the afternoon we have been together. I don”t know why… (more…)

Geschützt: Driving north

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Geschützt: Roots reach out for Water in Desert Land

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