Our short and precious life

Hi Ghazal, my Dear, Don”t want to disturbe you, my Dear, I guess you are busy. You said on our way to the guesthouse, that you were not satisfied with your results today, and that mine were looking better. This, Ghazal was a sheer chance event. What is important, that on the long run we are doing well together. You… (more…)

Nocturnal dialog on molecular biology

8:32 p.m. Ghazal my Dear, Have a look at the gel. Are you happy with it ? I promise I did not manipulate anything on it: no make-up, no hair dye, mascara, no plastic surgery. It is real, and therefore it is beautiful (just like you are). M. PS: RNA I”ll tell you in a moment. Stay tuned !!!! ——————————————————————————————————–… (more…)

If you can”t love him, shot him !

Ghazal my Dear, Tonight I have something very unusual to tell you. It is so unusual, because it is something commercial, about shopping and beeing happy to have found something very useful. I know you got excited now, don”t you ? You can”t stop reading any more, right ? You wan”t to know what it is, don”t you ? (You… (more…)

A lost key

Hi Ghazal, my Dear, Did you had a nice day today with Shava ? Please give her my best regards and thanks for the nice evening. If you like, we could meet tomorrow at the Park-Cafe Beergarden (near Karlsplatz). I”ll be there anyhow. If you come, I will have a surprise for both of you. It will be an event… (more…)

From Cannes to London

Ghazal my Dear, I was so happy reading your e-mail. Don”t worry about the strange PCR results, we will sort this out next week when I am back. This happens occasionally to everyone, it is not your fault Ghazal, you are working perfect, I know this. At the moment it is more important to work on the thesis bit by… (more…)

Non, je ne regrette rien

Ghazal my Dear, Do you think my french is o.k. for a week ? “Au Revoir”, please tell me what it means. Is it like the german “Auf Wiedersehen” or like the english “Farewell” ? You probably know, cause you are the expert ! And of course I also like “Je ne regrette rien”. I doubt that the Cote de… (more…)

For Ghazal, the Scientist and for Ghazal, the Angel

Ghazal my Dear, Are you still awake ? Do you have another conflict with some insects ? I”ll drive by the guesthouse, and if there is still light behind your window, I call from downstairs. If not, I”ll go back. M. …………………………………………………………………………………… Ghazal my Dear, I whished we could stay there sitting and chatting untill the moon disappears in the… (more…)

Random Walk Model of two lovers

We were both on a random walk in time and space, since I saw you on the arms of your parents 21 years ago. The probability of a second encounter within the life-time of the universe would have been zero, thats for sure, but only if we assume that no attracting force exists between us.. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this… (more…)

These were the nights, my friend

Die Nächte sind das Thema, das uns nicht los lässt. Wir fabulieren über Schlafpositionen und Melatonin und Traumphasen und REM, wir treiben uns herum bis die Sperrstunde Dich ins Gästehaus zurück ruft. Wir versuchen, den Verlockungen und der Gefahr der Nacht davon zu laufen, in dem wir den Abschied möglichst weit hinaus schieben. Der Abschied dann, in der halben Nacht… (more…)

Champaign Dreams

I dreamed, that reason and truth might rule the world instead of religions and self-installed gods, and that the later are kept under glass in museums. And in my dreams there was no place any more for saints and gods, who use to judge man as heretics or as immoral. I dreamed, that mankind will live free from hate against… (more…)