Category Archives: Uncategorized

When the Lap-Poodle wants to become a Wolf

Dear Michael, I recently observed the rediculous attempt by one guy in our University to change his traditional role. We all knew him as the deans “Lap Poodle”, a guy who had the official function as a speaker for the research departments, but in fact never showed any ambition to help the scientists. Quite in contrast to his duties, he… (more…)

Reed of Divine Love

  On a train ride from Munich to the Alp mountains, between places that carry such pedestrian names as Miesbach (transl.: Ugly Creek) or Schliersee (transl.: Slimy Lake), the train radio announces the next stop will be “Agatharied”. The sound of this name resembles a magical spell, maybe of Sumerian or Egyptian origin. But apart from the enchanting melody of… (more…)

Resistance of the White Rose: 70th anniversary

Just cross the road from the Avicenna bookstore in Munich, with its huge assortment of Persian literature, is the old building of the Munich University. Seventy years ago it was in the main hall of this building that the antifascist resistance group “White Rose” spread around leaflets that should reveal and condemn the nazi-crimes against the Jewish population and against… (more…)

Forough Farrokhzad: An Iranian poetry that fell silent too soon

Recently I was invited by a friend in Munich to a reading of poetry by an Iranian writer, who died much too young in 1967, only reaching 32 years of age. Forugh Farrokhzad (1935-1967) was exceptional among woman in modern Persian literature, since only an extremely small number of Iranian women in general have achieved anything outside of the home… (more…)

Competing for stupidity

Here we have the two finalists of a competition that went largely unnoticed in the west. No, I am not talking about the super-bowl of American Football, I am talking about a competition that has less media coverage and which I call “The World got hypocrisis”: Two of the most hypocrite characters that came into political power by highjacking the… (more…)

Are we Stardust ?

Dear Michael, All the big stars, i.e. those with a mass exceeding the sun’s mass by a factor of 1.3, gain most of their energy by a hydrogen-fusion reaction that involves a catalytic cycle, known as the Bethe-Weizsäcker or CNO-cycle. During this reaction cycle, protons (i.e. hydrogen nuclei) are added four times into a cycling reaction that converts carbon through… (more…)


Dear Michael, All the big stars, i.e. those with a mass exceeding the sun’s mass by a factor of 1.3, gain most of their energy by a hydrogen-fusion reaction that involves a catalytic cycle, known as the Bethe-Weizsäcker or CNO-cycle. During this reaction cycle,  protons (i.e. hydrogen nuclei) are added four times into a cycling reaction that converts carbon through… (more…)

PS: Codex Amorum Retardum (germ.)

Eine Theorie besagte, dass seine besondere Verbindung zum Iran und seinen Menschen auf ein fast 25 Jahre zurückliegendes Ereignis zurück ging, von dem aus allerdings eine Verbindung bis in die Gegenwart reichte. Damals war Deutschland und die ganze Welt noch strikt getrennt in Ost und West. Er lebte auf der östlichen Seite des sogenannten Eisernen Vorhangs und hatte eigentlich nur… (more…)

Freezing Moon

Ghazal my Dear, I felt sorry for this nice big moon tonight, ’cause he seem to be freezing up there. You can see from the blue shine on his cheeks how cold he must feel. And he was shivering so much, that the picture I did of him appeared to be not very sharp. Take Care, Michael Bookmark on Delicious… (more…)

The Empress and Me – Farah Diba in the eyes of an exiled Iranian Filmmaker

Nahid Persson-Sarvestani, a former activist of the student branch of the Tudeh party and in the late 70s among the demonstrators against Shah Reza Pahlevi, now lives in Sweden as a film-director. In her 3 parts documentary, she interviews Farah Diba, the last empress of Iran, who now lives in exil in Paris. part 1 part 2 part 3 Farah… (more…)