Tag Archives: Angel

For Ghazal, the Scientist and for Ghazal, the Angel

Ghazal my Dear, Are you still awake ? Do you have another conflict with some insects ? I”ll drive by the guesthouse, and if there is still light behind your window, I call from downstairs. If not, I”ll go back. M. …………………………………………………………………………………… Ghazal my Dear, I whished we could stay there sitting and chatting untill the moon disappears in the… (more…)

Beach without you

Hi Ghazal, my Dear, I hope you are doing well and feel o.k. Is it quiet now in the Lab ? Usually this is the best time to concentrate on the project. I hope so much that you find some intellectual satisfaction with the project and not have to consider it as a hard burden and a duty to fulfill.… (more…)

Sandman and Sauerkraut

Hi Ghazal my Dear, It was a pitty I found your e-mail (the one you wrote 2 o”clock a.m. last night) only this morning. Hopefully, you did not stoud awake for the rest of the night waiting for an answer. If I would have known that you didn”t sleep yet, I would have checked my mail-box at night again. Sometimes… (more…)

PhD project in Munich

Ghazal my dear, I hope you have a pleasant evening and that you are not only standing in the kitchen. Be careful, if the swedish authorities see this, you will be punished for not following the official policy of womans emancipation. I keep my hope, that the people are more free in their decisions and understand, that doing something in… (more…)

Time Shift and Crystals

Ghazal, my dear, what can I say ? Your watch indeed runs pretty slow. I opened it yesterday night to clean it (but of course it was extremely clean from the inside). Between midnight and now, 8 a.m., it lost again about 3 minutes. When you told me your observation that it regularily loses about 15 minutes per day, I… (more…)