Category Archives: Uncategorized

Finally: A great voice by a young male singer

Ghazal dear, Listen to this great song by Michael Buble, who is not afraid to show that a his amazing voice can be like a music instrument. I would be curious to hear what you think. Buble is only a bit elder than you, so no excuse to say that his music is from another generation. Bookmark on Delicious Digg… (more…)

Sur les sommets de l’Iran

Ghazal mon cher, Un réalisateur suisse, un alpiniste iranien et un randonneur australien traversent d’ouest en est les majestueuses chaînes volcaniques de la République islamique. Dans cette première partie, du mont Ararat aux faubourgs de Téhéran, rencontre avec des nomades, des tisseurs de tapis, une championne de ski, seul membre féminin et porte-drapeau de la délégation iranienne aux JO de… (more…)

Skilled Angels Hand

Ghazal Dear, I guess that must be your handwriting, that I found on a plastic envelope containing EtBr stained agarose-gels. I asked a friend at the Avicenna Bookstore here in Munich, to translate it into Persian, and she proposed that “24 wells” is ” 24 خوب “. If the date is right, than they were lying in the cool-room since… (more…)

Iranian Nose Jobs and the Value of Genetics

Dear Michael, It is no secret that many Iranian woman do not value their impressive, arian noses very high. In contrast, they tend to follow a very questionable beauty picture that more and more seems to be coined by the Japanese manga figures. For them, a nose is merely anything more than a small ridge to hide the nostrils. The… (more…)

Ich bin ein Berliner (says Nofretete)

Hello, my name is Nofretete, and I was born in Luxor in Egypt. 1912 some archeologists recovered me from this dark grave in the earth and brought me back to light. I, who together with my beloved husband Echnaton were so much fascinated by the divine nature of the sun had to spend 3400 years in the dark. When I… (more…)

Will Keira Knightly leaves the train trough the steam ?

Many times Tolstojs novel “Anna Karenina” was brought on the cinema screens, by not so famous film directors, but with actresses who after playing the leading character became movie stars (or were movie stars before already). Sophie Marceau, Jacqueline Bisset, Vivien Leigh and of course Greta Garbo. And now, we have the pleasure to enjoy a more modern Anna Karenina,… (more…)

A fine gentleman …

Dear Ghazal, If you ever heard Jimmy Hendrix giving an interview, you would not believe it is the same person as playing here “Hey Joe”, about coldblooded shooting down his Lady for adultery. In the interviews, Jimmy Hendrix appears as the most careful, educated, polite person you can imagine, even showing some shyness. Unlike contemporary musicians, he alwas tried to… (more…)

Where has my blood gone ?

Ghazal my Dear, Two month ago, in September 2012 Israel seemed to be the most relaxed and calm country one could imagine. Except for very rare security checks at the entrances of large shopping malls, concert halls or the Jad Vashem museum, there were hardly any signs of the immanent threat of violent attacks. As travelers we were more concerned… (more…)

Deja vu

I’m wondering how everything would change, if I could really see you every day, like it was two years ago. If we could go out for a walk through Pompej every night, Or sit next to each other in every new movie that comes to the cinema. If we could climb up to the TV tower not only once, but… (more…)

Pompeji – You only live twice

Hi Michael, Our walk through the ruins of Pompej during the Vietri-sul-Mare meeting, that finally had us loosing our way at night, and “being rescued” by this old Italian gentleman who gave us this very special guided tour with a torch-lamp, let me speculate if this glamourous roman population that lived there untill the year 79 ever had a second… (more…)