Bulgaria and Persia – some common styles in ancient arts

The ancient Bulgarians came to the Balkan peninsula from the south russian and and Kazakh grass lands, were they lived next to skyths. The Partians, i.e. the native persian people, came from the same area and from their brought to Iran the expertise of horse breeding and riding. But the Black Sea basin, located between the Balkan peninsula, caucasus mountains,… (more…)

Riding Iran on a horse back

Hello Michael, Such a nice horse! You trained her very well. Must be nice to have a horse, not so common i guess. I showed the video to my dad. He would like to know which breed it is. When he was a young boy in Iran during Shah”s time, he liked to visit his uncle in a village who… (more…)

The gels you left behind are still fine

Dear Ghazal, It is a rainy Friday today (the americans would say its a “vanilla sky”). I hope you are o.k., hope my last e-mail was not too frustrating. As I told you, there are still plenty of things in the world that are amazing. For instance this one: I tried to detect a new Rb1 promotor variation today, and… (more…)

The death of a Diva and of 69 teenagers

What an awful weekend !  A right-wing maniac kills 69 teenager in a norwegian youth-camp, and a soul-diva gives away her life in London.  Why nobody was around to stop this nazi murder on his way to the youth camp ? And why there was nobody to tell you, Amy, that you were perhaps the greatest voice in music and… (more…)

Verse aus dem EVIN Gefängniss

Bahareh Hedayat has been sentenced again to 7 years in the notorious Evin prison. The following letter she send to her husband. I have collected translations of this and other prisoner letters into various languages at the partner website Evin-Rosetta If you want to read other than the following german version, or if you want to contribute a translation into… (more…)

Her name is Penelope – She is a crazy horse !

Hi Ghazal Dear, It was almost exactly a year ago that I wrote you this story about my nocturnal encounter with a young horse. It almost caused me crash with the car into the wall of the village cemetry. I always thought that the story that followed this accident somehow coined a special relationship between me and the horse. I… (more…)

We are Green – Morteza Mofahari

Morteza Mofahari is an iranian composer. He had to flee Iran and currently lives in Germany. Together with many more iranian people who suffered from the political oppression in their country, Morteza Mofahari is among those whom a international solidarity campaign dedicated the entire July. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers… (more…)

Love in the Era of Social Networking

Ghazal my Dear,About a year ago we were sitting at the bone fire on the bank of the Isar river and I was badly condeming destiny for beeing so cruel to me by sending you here, the most fascinating and inspiring person I ever met, but at an too young age to get closer with somebody like me who was… (more…)

Happy Birthday, Ghazal !

Happy Birthday, Ghazal ! Whatever you were dreaming of, my Dear, I wish you will get today. And all the things that you are still waiting for, they might come later but still on time. The few ones that will never come were probably not important at all. Make the best out of everything that you already got, Ghazal, it… (more…)